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"After the Civil War" with James I. Robertson, Jr.
After the Civil War: The Heroes, Villains,… by James I. Robertson · Audiobook preview
James Robertson: The Untold Civil War | Nat Geo Live
The Civil War with James (Bud) I. Robertson
The Civil War Before During and After
Virginia Tech: James I. Robertson - "The Untold Civil War"
Dr. James Robertson, Jr. Civil War Sesquicentennial Keynote
Civil War 101: Battle of Chancellorsville-James I. "Bud" Robertson
Sacred Trust Talks 2014 - James Robertson
Dr. James "Bud" Robertson, Jr. "Is History Dead?"
History of Confederate Monuments - James Robertson
Remembering Lee 2011 with Dr. James I. Robertson Jr., “Lee and the Mobilization of Forces 1861”